Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Exams Approaching... scratch that... Exams Are Here

I rolled over several times this morning pressing the snooze-a-roonie button and enjoyed 'five more minutes' several times over. That is until about 7:54 this morning when the cherry picker painters came back to guild this jail house, as I predicted they would. So off to my bacon biscuit I went. This morning the bacon population in my biscuit-ville wasn't quite as immense as yesterday. -- I bet the swine-flu has something to do with it.
As exams approach, so do high levels of stress and irritability. Some of my friends are being extra peculiar. Some of them are not being peculiar enough. I gather that it is simply the fact that exam week is NEXT WEEK!!! Ugh. Why did I start this paragraph "As exams approach"? They're right on top of us as it is. They're done approaching. (Correction -- start paragraph "As exams are sitting right on top of our heads squeezing our tiny little brains out")
I passed a french vocabulary quiz this morning. I'm quite proud of that seeing as there are two drop vocabulary grades and I just knocked one of the lower ones off. This Thursday there is one more and I plan to ace it so I can knock another pesky lowball grade off of the tally. Tomorrow and Friday I'll be in the language lab extremely early doing extra credit lab assignments to boost my chances at securing a less than adequate, yet still somewhat okay grade for the class.
I should be studying right now in fact. It would be wise if I logged out and gave this blog a rest, but I'm ever devoted to my writing. It is the one thing that does not betray me, nor does it ever let me down. I can always turn to my QWERTY keyboard with peace of mind.
Did I seriously just liturgically make love to my computer keypad? That's amazing. I think I'll go study now.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Academic Limbo

As I type this, I am ignoring several tasks of importance to my academic success. I should be studying french, history, or computer. Quite possibly I should be working on a slide show for the showchoir considering they need it tomorrow, and they paid me an eight-hundred dollar scholarship for this semester to be their public relations liaison. I should also be writing a speech for my final exam next week. Unrelated really to this post I might add that I'm writing my persuasive speech to give my listeners reasons why they should be interested in reading the newspaper. Maybe I'll gain back a few readers for our college publication before they decide to cut it off completely due to the fact that there are so many surplus papers that waste away on the stands until we replace them with the newer issues which will only do the same thing. I've ranted on that topic enough. Everybody knows that nobody reads, end of rant.
My real issue is that in today's academic schedule, most students belong to a number of factions, clubs, or scholarship programs. I get scholarships from the newspaper, the showchoir, and the band. The problem with scholarships through these work programs is that they interfere with academic excellence in many ways. For one, they require far too many class absences, resulting in slowed class performance and whatnot. I mean I can barely do well in my US History class when I actually sit through/ignore his boring lectures. How can I be expected to ace the test when I haven't even been exposed to the material because the band or showchoir had to play at some local high school?
Journalism is not as intrusive as the other scholarship programs I've described, but it can get in the way. For instance, I have no time left open on my schedule. I barely have a time slot to get a bite to eat between classes. How can I be expected to make it to the journalism department before they close when I'm booked solid with classes and labs? It's a horrifying position to be in sometimes, it truly is.
I realize I'm a first year freshman, and that, though I whine with gusto, I did survive the year in tact mentally and academically. Hopefully, during my second year of college, I may find things a bit easier to cope with. Maybe I'll come into my sophomore year with a sense of 'been there done that' and pass it off quite easily. In any event, I still do not look forward to shoving through my 19 hours of class plus extra curricula next year. It is definitely going to be a hectic year.

It's Only 9am

The morning has come and so has the cat and mouse chase between me and the snooze button on my satanic noise maker. It invariably wins without discretion for my tiredness. It is my solid opinion that us humans are creatures not meant to wake up before 10am.
I made my way to the grill to get the one thing any red blooded American student needs when he wakes up: breakfast. I normally order a bacon biscuit, and normally it comes with little to no bacon on it. Today however, the darn thing was loaded. I mean bacon palooza, LOADED. I take this as a blessing and a precursor to today's awesomeness. I ate every bite of that biscuit as if it were to be my final bacon biscuit on earth. It pains me to write about it because I really want to eat it again.
I walked on the sidewalk exiting the grill and realized that I want to write. I want to write wholeheartedly 100%, and I want to do it all of the time. Now, this is nothing truly new for those of you who pay much attention. I've always loved writing, but never like this. I've never had the urge at every moment to put in words what I see and feel. Now it is second nature. I write in my brain draft's of the blogs or opinion article's I will write later.
I know this little spiel doesn't belong on my 'North Auburn' post because it isn't really an opinion piece, but I wanted to write about the day and what it has held thus far. huh, and it's only 9am.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm a Geeky Journalist

It’s been a tough weekend. Tough in the fact that I was actually a member of society this weekend. Whether or not I was a ‘productive’ member is still up for debate.
I went to the movies with someone who seemingly has no interest in me as I have in her, but lately that has been the case with every person I’ve had feelings for. Lately, being the last few months. Oh, alone time is fun though. It has its perks. I can write to my heart’s content and not be ignoring the missus. I can play Call of Duty over and over again and have no one calling or texting me, wondering why I’m not hanging out with them. However, I’m a bit tired of not being able to call up a girl, take her out for the night and have a damn good time.
Enough with the whining. Some points of my weekend were actually on the upside. As I said, I went to the movies. We watched the Soloist. The movie really changed my thoughts on being a journalism major. I embrace it wholeheartedly now. I aspire to be a columnist. Which is to say that I aspire to write my meaningless opinion for millions of people to ignore daily as they will certainly pass by the newsstand without ever thinking about buying a paper. Nobody reads the paper anymore. I don’t even read the most of the paper and I write for it.
I’m pleased with the major though. I like writing. I like seeing my name in print on that odd shade of gray/white loose paper. I especially like the few, the proud, the readers who actually pay attention to the papers and respond. Oh to be a columnist, syndicated one day. That would be the dream right there.